Chapter Two
From Oberon_wiki
Chapter Two of Oberon Campaign One covers about of a week of time in the town of Brindol. It was the "proper" start of the campaign after Chapter One which was more of a "pilot episode".
File:Kleinius Vale.png
Map of region
Session 3: "If You go Into the Woods Today"
Date: 20th Novembus 343IC
- The group caught the mid-afternoon ferry to the port of Lilo
- The ferry went to Ranst before travelling overnight to the mainland
Date: 21st Novembus 343IC
- Jeremiah found himself unable to successfully buy a book and bought a map instead
- Outside of Brindol the group were involved in defending against a hobgoblin attack
- Collectively agreed to stay at the Stone Wyvern
- Visited Eric the Elf at the Chancery Outpost and swapped the Letter Opener for a boring Bag of Holding
Date: 22nd Novembus 343IC
- Along with numerous other mercenaries the group assembled at Axenshaft's where they met Eldremma
- They were assigned to investigate a region to the south west and to locate the guard commander, Kartanix.
Session 4: "Crypt Crew Gets Cracking"
Date: 22nd Novembus 343IC
- Instead of heading SW the group instead went north and met up with another adventuring group, "The Fabulous Four"
- Eventually they reached the Rivenroar Estate and began to search the ruins
- An attack from Goblins was fended off and the two adventuring groups descended into the crypts
Session 5: "Moar Explore of Rivenroar"
Date: 22nd Novembus 343IC
- The exploration of the Rivenroar crypts continued
- Many Hobgoblins were killed in the making of this session
Session 6: "House of the Rising (Black) Sun"
Date: 22nd Novembus 343IC
- The group reached the lowest level of the crypts.
- A badly injured cleric (Jalissa) was rescued from a wraith. Lennox proved to be unstoppable!
- Two Gnolls studying a weird obelisk were encountered and allowed to leave. The obelisk was used to summon an Evistro (a powerful demon)
- After a brief fight, the leader of the hobgoblins, Varrak (son of Varnak) surrendered.
- A letter to Varrak from an unknown "Emissary", implicating Troyas, was found.
- Unfortunately the captives taken by the Hobgoblins (except Jalissa) did not survive.
- The player characters returned to Brindol with Varrak, whilst the Fabulous Four headed north to Fort Unstein with a Goblin captive.
Session 7: "Myles vs Morality, pt.1"
Date: 23rd Novembus 343IC
- After a difficult night keeping Varrak safe in a guard tower the group took a day to "relax"
- Myles set off into town to locate a particular child, after having been very interested in everyone's hair
- Jeremiah decided to start research on a spell to detect how much "soul" a person had left
- Jalissa was taken to the Temple of Apollo to recuperate
- The Imperial Army arrived and, following the Goblin's testimony, headed south to investigate reports of an army
- Scylla and Gnarvak met Baskin Haskinar and studied his private library but learnt little new
- Gnarvak got invited to a "Dwarves-only" party for the Festival of Dionysus
- The group showed Eldremma the letter that they found implicating Troyas.
Session 8: "Fun with False Flags"
File:Army Note.png
Note from 62nd Legion
Date: 24th Novembus 343IC
- The group were staying at The Craven Raven when they were woken by the building of a gallows. Gnarvak immediately offered assistance!
- The Army showed up and placed Brindol under "lockdown"
- Varrak's (private) trial was scheduled for noon
- A messenger for Myles delivered a large wooden box and a note
Date: 25th Novembus 343IC
- The group assisted the town watch and the real army in stopping a group dressed as the legion from burning down the town.
- Varrak escaped from the watch barracks and fled the town via the sewer.
- The council considered postponing the Festival of Dionysus.
Session 9: "Heartbreaking Hobgoblin Hunt"
Date: 25th Novembus 343IC
- Jeremiah found that he could fit down a sewer pipe and decided to give up adventuring.
- Titus joined the party.
- Eldremma was finally exposed as the 'mastermind' behind the Hobgoblins. She wanted the town to rely on mercenaries again.
- Varrak was killed in a tense battle (during which Edriss the merc stupidly attacked the wrong side)
Session 10: "Much Ado About Nothing"
Date: Festival of Dionysus
- The group locate damning evidence against Eldremma
- D'Netheril makes his first (physical) appearance and informs the group that Dalola Trollgrip must be saved before midnight!
- The group head to the village of Blackroot
Session 11: "Big Trouble in Little Blackroot"
Date: Festival of Dionysus
- A cavern dedicated to the cult of Belrashyrra is located at the Torash's farm.
- Mutated Goblins and tentacled "things" are discovered, along with a magical prison.
- The cultists are killed and a number of Dwarves, including Dalola, are saved.
- Torash, sadly, didn't survive the attack.
- The group returned to Brindol.
Session 12: "Take the Money and Run"
Date: 1st Decembus 343IC
Having left Brindol behind, the group travel eastwards into Chapter Three.