Thunder Accords

From Oberon_wiki

The 'Thunder Accords' are a series of treaties, signed in 61IC, that sets out the exact relationship between the humans of the Merebian Empire and the Dwarven people.

The accords are important because it gives the Dwarves the following rights;

  • free passage through all the lands of the Merebian Empire (including those that did not exist at the time of the treaty)
  • freedom to settle in any hamlet, village, town or city of the Empire
  • freedom to establish self-governing settlements. The best examples of these can be found in Thorast and Erganth in places such as Overlook and Thüder-holme.
  • the freedom to worship all of the gods of the Clan without persecution

In return the Dwarven people have the following commitments;

  • the duty to serve in the Imperial Army during times of war
  • the duty to pay all required taxes to the Empire
  • the duty to follow all the laws of the Merebian Empire, even if in contradiction to Dwarven law
  • the duty to allow the Imperial Army free access to all Dwarven settlements

The name of the accords comes from the signing point, a Dwarven village known as Thunderton which was located in northern Dominus, near the city of Ervaux. This town has since been renamed as 'Thouran' but the signing point is still marked by a statue showing a Human and Dwarf signing the treaties.