Nature Magic

From Oberon_wiki

Beyond the Green Veil is the Feywild - the plane of existence from which the Fey originate and which is also the source of Nature Magic.

The Feywild is a plane immediately adjacent to the Prime Material Plane and the barriers between these two planes is sufficiently weak in places that creatures sometimes stumble across the point of access from one plane to another. The barriers between the Feywild and the Prime Material Plane additionally become stronger or weaker depending on the seasons. Midsummer Night is well known to be the time at which the two planes are most in synch with each other.

The flora and fauna of the Feywild are not like that of the Prime Material Plane for they are linked in an intricate network of energy that specialists in Nature Magic can tap into and use to affect flora or fauna posses on the Prime Material. Nature Magic cannot be used to affect the incorporeal or deceased for such things are disconnected from the network of energy within the Inner Planes.

Nature Magic is the primary form of magic for some Barbarians, Druids, Rangers, and 'Archfey' pact Warlocks.