Imperial Lineage
From Oberon_wiki
1st Century IC
- 0 IC - Darameus' forces defeat the Draco. Darameus crowned Emperor of Merebia
- 12 IC - Emperor Darameus dies. His daughter, Livia, becomes Empress
- 40 IC - Empress Livia dies
2nd Century IC
- 191 IC - Emperor Augustine VIII born
- 199 IC - The 'Year of the Four Emperors'
3rd Century IC
- 213 IC - Emperor Augustine IX born
- 239 IC - Emperor Justinian II born
- 254 IC - Emperor Augustine VIII dies
- 256 IC - Emperor Augustine IX dies
- 280 IC - Emperor Ephestus born
4th Century IC
- 309 IC - Eternius, heir to the Imperial throne, dies
- 306 IC - Gaius, future Emperor, born
- 310 IC - Emperor Justinian II dies. Ephestus become Emperor