
From Oberon_wiki

'Centuries' is the name given to the most recognisable organisational unit of the Imperial Army and form part of a 'Cohort', of which 'Legions' are comprised.

'Centuries' (and this both the singular and plural form, to distinguish from 'Century' - a period of 100 year) are made up of 10 'Contubernia'. Hence 'Centuries' comprise of:

  • 10 x 8 ordinary men (Legionaries)
  • 5 Decurians (Junior officers)
  • 2 Centurians (Senior officers)
  • Up to 10 ancillary staff (cooks, fletchers, farriers, blacksmiths, etc.).

In total then, 'Centuries' are comprised of about 100 men, which is where the unit derives its name.