Lake Viridian

From Oberon_wiki

Lake Viridian is the name given to the large freshwater lake situated in the Welcome Hills region of West Thorast. The lake sits at an elevation of over 500m above sea-level and is fed from rivers from the Hammer Peaks to the NW.

As the name implies the waters of Lake Viridian are a green-blue colour. It is thought that this is caused by an algae or fungus in the water.

The lake is home to numerous freshwater fish, notably trout and greenfish (a flat, green member of the carp family). There are surprisingly few settlements around the edge of the lake, due to the topography of the surrounding land where near-vertical banks rise up along most of the lake. The major settlements are Fort Viridian and the villages of Hirschorn and Larenfast.

File:Lake Viridians.png
Typical edge around Lake Viridian