Mordakai Mafisto
Mordakai Mafisto, older brother to Orianna Mafisto is a retired Tiefling Centurion.
When asked about his origins, Mordakai Mafisto will happily volunteer that he was born in a small town near the city of Listrob in Bal-Morath. His family were, apparently, wool merchants and he had a decent, middle-class upbringing. His family, being unconnected to any of the noble houses stayed out of politics but Mordakai sought adventure in the lands of the Empire and enlisted with the Imperial Army.
At one time, Mordakai Mafisto, had the makings of a very promising career in the armed forces. His keen tactical mind and martial prowess made him stand out amongst his fellow recruits to the 46th Legion, based in Chundria and he quickly progressed to Decurian and then Centurian.
Mordakai Mafisto is a character from the adventures "The Heir of Orcus, Verse I" and "The Heir of Orcus, Verse II", by Anthony Joyce. Although the Oberon versions of the "the Mafisto Twins" are somewhat different from those that originally appeared in the aforementioned modules, their names, mannerisms, appearance and most of their goals are the same. Hence I feel it only right that Anthony Joyce be acknowledged as their "creators".