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Blackroot. Image ©Herwin Wielink


Blackroot is a small village located in Thorast, approximately 5 miles to the southeast of the town of Brindol. The town serves as a convenient stop-off for those who travel between Brindol and Winterhaven (a further 7 miles to the northeast) as well as an easy place for local farmers to socialise and trade.


Blackroot has a population of approximately 220 individuals, mostly (80%) Dwarves. The Dwarven population of this town is roughly 75% Hill Dwarves and 25% Mountain Dwarves.


Like Brindol, Blackroot is situated on the river Brind, in the region known as the Kleinius Vale. It is a small village, which has a simple wooden wall and gate (the wall straddles a small estuary of the river Brind to the north).

The village has no town planning - the typical Imperial grid structure for roads is not evident here - but there is plenty of space within the town for all of the villages to comfortably live.

Inns and Taverns

Blackroot has only a single inn, "Bronzefork's", run by Osric Bronzefork. The village is not large enough to profitably support another inn or tavern. This inn serves just two types of beer "Manticore Ale" from Brindol and "Blackroot Beer" from the Blackroot Brewery in town.

Notable Places

Other than "Bronzefork's" and the Blackroot Brewery, the village is otherwise only notable for the temple of Moradin in the centre opposite the market.

Notable People

Blackroot has a "Town Watch" of sorts. It consists of 13 men who patrol the perimeter of the village and open and shut the gates each day. They do not tend to get involved in anything beyond their assigned duty. These men are actually equipped, trained and paid for by the town of Brindol as it was thought that having men patrol this village was good for that town's security.


Blackroot originally appeared in the 4th Edition D&D adventure called "Khyber's Harvest" by Keith Baker and is ©2009-2018 WotC. That published adventure is used as the inspiration for the version of Blackroot on Oberon and it would be remiss not to credit that source, even though this version is significantly different. The image selected for the town is ©Herwin Wielink ( and is reproduced without permission. Herwin's art is excellent and this image fit my vision of Blackroot so well that it seemed a shame not to use it.