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On Oberon, a 'Cult' is similar to a 'Religion', in that it has followers, priests, shrines, practices of worship and (in a few cases) even political power.

However a 'Cult' never worships a Deity. A cult could worship a Demon, a Devil, an animal, a Warlock patron or even just an abstract concept. All cults require some level of servitude from their followers but none of them can promise an afterlife - at best they can only promise that this life be more pleasant and that their soul will put to some good use after their worshipper's death.

Given that Deities are known to exist on Oberon and that there have been numerous, verifiable instances of Deities acting upon Oberon, it is somewhat confusing to most worshippers of actual Religions why cults exist at all. And yet they do, in large numbers.

The Merebian Empire views these cults as it does the numerous, often conflicting, religions that are practised by its citizens - if it keeps them happy and no obvious harm is being done (or planned to be done) to the Empire then it is not worth spending resources on stamping out. This shouldn't be conflated with approval, merely apathy.