Noble Houses of Bal-Morath

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Although Bal-Morath is now a Republic, up until the ill-fated Reign of Halames it was a fairly typical feudal kingdom. As such the wealth of the kingdom was dominated by a relatively small number of families who eventually (through marriage or assimilation) considered as 'noble'.

These days political power resides with the (largely democratic) Council of the Archons but financial power remains firmly entrenched within the 'noble' houses.

Bal-Morath currently has 23 noble Houses as follows:

  • Abanesi
  • Abraxis
  • Amaral
  • Banis
  • Carreira
  • Demopoulos
  • Eliades
  • Frausto
  • Gogola
  • Kamba
  • Judice
  • Medeiros
  • Molas
  • Petras
  • Politis
  • Raptis
  • Rosa
  • Sapateiro
  • Sarris
  • Serra
  • Stamatis
  • Teresis
  • Vidales

Of course, wealth alone doesn't imply that one is 'noble'. There has to be some hereditary connection to the land or wealth that spans back a number of generations. As with any feudal society, one is only 'noble' is they are of the right 'stock'. Having said that, there are many houses which lost their wealth after the revolution and those houses are no longer considered 'noble'. Even in a fantasy world, money still talks.

The noble houses all still try to exert political power though, and most houses will work tirelessly to try to get their chosen representative (usually a family member but often someone they can exert their financial power over) onto the Council so that their own interests are promoted over those of the 'little people'. Luckily the rotating membership of the Council membership (and the Presidency), both of which are decided by public vote, limits the impact of the noble houses upon the Council. However, it is still a concern and many house alliances and feuds are created and ended through Council membership.