Three centuries ago, soon after the formation of the Empire, the once proud people of Bal-Morath fell under a terrible curse set by the Demon Lord, Orcus. This curse caused all the children to develop horns and a tail and to link a portion of their soul eternally to Orcus’ realm.
Tieflings are as varied in appearance as humans, perhaps even more so. Males and females are of average Merebian human height and build. Their skin tone ranges from 'tanned' to an almost 'pillar-box' red. Their hair is typically jet black but can be red or brown. Tieflings are never naturally blond. Their eye colours tend to be brown or black. All Tieflings have horns protruding from their upper skull, above the brow-line. These horns can be quite small and only a few centimetres in length or, and more commonly, resemble ram horns and sweep back over the ears. Tieflings have non-prehensile tails ranging in length from 1-1.5m. Some Tieflings have hooves but most have 'normal' human feet.
Originally, and unfairly, called “The Children of Orcus” this people now go by the collective term of “Tiefling” (pronounced either as “Ty-fling” or “Teef-ling”) and although the descendants of the original generation to bear the curse call Bal-Morath their home, they can now be found throughout much of the Imperial lands.
Despite their cursed nature, Tieflings, as a people, do not worship Orcus. Instead they follow the human religion of “The Twelve”.
Tiefling culture is built around the premise that each generation should be better than the one before. For most this translates into a desire to have a better career or a happier family. For some it means making a bargain with an otherworldly patron in exchange for dark magical power. Well, no-one said that they were an altogether stable people!
Oberon Tieflings consider themselves both superior to Humans but also accept their second-class status within the Empire, leading to mild resentment but not hostility. They are neutral to Dwarves and Elves. Although individual Gnomes may be endearing, as a race Tieflings find them a little tiresome. Tieflings and Ymirkin both know how it feels to be ‘outsiders’ and tend to bond over their common isolation.