The Red Fist Army
Although the Empire has been at relative peace with the Alliance Nations since the Treaty of the Eight Thrones was signed in 314 IC it still occasionally encounters renegade groups on non-humans who want to plunder the Empire's wealth. One of the better examples of this was "The Red Fist Army".
Lead by the hobgoblin warlord, Varnal, this group of nearly 400 hobgoblins, goblins and bugbears terrorised the west coast of Thorast from 318 IC to 320 IC until it was eventually destroyed at "the Battle of Brind" by the 33rd Imperial Legion. This was despite the loss of nearly all of the legion's 7th cohort (in which the coward, "Sinruth" commanded his century of deserters).
The town of Brindford was renamed to Brindol following this victory and many of Varnal's personal possessions are stored in the town's "Hall of Valour".
Historians note that Varnal's army itself was surprisingly successful. It managed to completely destroy nearly two dozen villages and elude the Imperial Army for 14 months. This is some speculation if this force had managed to secure Brindol then it could have held out against the 33rd Legion for some considerable time and may even have forced the Empire into either negotiation or to call in The Cerulean Chancery.