Chundria is a little larger than Academia but whereas Academia is a beacon of scholarly excellence, Chundria is the primary producer of grains (maize, wheat, barley). Most of this is due to its unusually fertile soil but also due to its natural geography.
Chundria is, basically, a land of fields. It has few forests, no mountains, some lakes, plenty of rivers and ideal conditions for growing. It is for this reason that many poor people head to the land, seeking to obtain a plot of land and carve out a life.
For 16 years, until the Treaty of the Eight Thrones was signed in 306IC, Chundria was occupied by the Independant Nations under the command of the General.
This, coupled with fact that Chundria is a vital resource for the Empire is why there are 6 legions permanently station here (the 25th, 28th, 46th, 50th, 51st and 53rd).
Its history and resources are also why many non-human races such as Minotaurs and Ogres have settled there. This, understandably, makes he human populace of this Kingdom worried.
The native people (Chundrites) and are characterised by their fair skin and slightly flat faces. Chundrite women have a reputation for being somewhat “plain”.