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Humans are, by far, the most common humanoid type on Oberon and it is this race that forms the basis of the Merebian Empire.


Humans reach maturity during their mid-teens. Humans can live up to 100 years old although this is very uncommon.


Humans are a recent addition to the races of Oberon: both the Elves and Dwarves recount separately that Humans first appeared about 6,000 years ago and rapidly spread to every corner of the world.

The Dwarves claim that Humans appeared out of a volcano, armed with weapons of steel, whilst the Elves claim that Humans descended from the sky, bringing with them strange magic. Neither of these tales seems particularly likely but seems to fit into the idea that the emergence and success of Humans on the world was a rapid event that took the longer-lived races by surprise.


The Humans of the Merebian Empire worship a medium-sized pantheon of deities known as 'The Twelve'.


Unlike other humanoid races races on Oberon there are no 'sub-types' of human. Additionally, the lack of ‘half-breeds’, so prevalent on most D&D worlds, ensures that humankind, as a race, has never been “diluted” by other races.

Despite this there is significant cultural diversity amongst humans. The human civilisation of Erganth is very different to that of Alea’Zhim and players of human characters are encouraged to choose a nation of origin when fleshing out their background.

The countries where humans are the dominant humanoid race are listed below:

Imperial Countries
Academia Chundria
Dominus Erganth
Non-Imperial Countries
Alea’Zhim Gryphos
Kalevala Yuritan


Humans have one consistent outlook towards other races; that they are superior and all others - even if they have specific talents to be admired - are inferior. There is some basis to this idea. When Humans appeared on Oberon Elves had been around for over 30,000 years, whilst Dwarves had nearly 40,000 years, yet in the past 6,000 years Humans have become the most numerous race on the planet, have conquered the most territory, have excelled at every art and continue to innovate far in excess of any other race.