
From Oberon_wiki

The names of he various races on Oberon are many and varied in style but each, usually, has an internal logic which they follow.


Dwarves have forenames, surnames and clan names.

Their *forenames* are very similar to that of Humans in that they usually have a meaning in the Dravanic (the Dwarven language). Examples are:

  • Dremma ('Wise')
  • Drunn ('Sturdy')
  • Hoghoun ('Tall')
  • Rosli ('Pretty')
  • Thoro ('Glum)

Dwarven *surnames* are nearly always 'compound' words in the form of an adjective then a noun. In Dravanic such words are little more than grunts and so most Dwarven families have taken on their Merebian translations of their names for use amongst Humans. These names commonly translate into words with an association with rock, metal, mining, smithing, engineering or brewing. This is most likely deliberate as Dwarves do like to project an image of strength. No known Dwarf has "Pinkflower" as a surname! Examples of Dwarven surnames are:

  • Axenshaft
  • Blackrock
  • Bronzefork
  • Direforge
  • Emberstone
  • Flintmaul
  • Hammerstein
  • Irontank
  • Underhelm

Dwarven *clan-names* follow similar forms to surnames, which should be expected as clan names are just surnames that are used to denote allegiance. Common clan-names are:

  • The Elderbeards
  • The Deepminers
  • The Goldeaxes
  • The Finebuilders
  • The Stonefists


Elves have a simple naming structure based on one name that doubles as both a forename and a surname. Additionally many people within a family will share that name. To shorter lived races this can be very confusing unless you've had centuries to get to know each one personally. And so, primarily to aid interactions with Humans, they have adopted a 'forename-surname' variation.

Elven forenames are typically short (one or two syllable) names that don't really have a meaning in either Merebian or Sidhe but sound pleasing. Examples of Elven forenames are:

  • Admar
  • Elonth
  • Methild
  • Nuala
  • Rorik
  • Starr
  • Tolith

Elven surnames are really their forenames in Sidhe or Sylvan. These are longer names, often interspersed with hyphens or apostrophes to split out syllable groups. Examples of Elven names are:

  • Adaphiniala
  • Bwar'rinian
  • Miraquinalis
  • Qualnar-hafal
  • Vandalisa
  • Valarieth


Gnomes have forenames and surnames. Their forenames tend to be short but their surnames are long. In Gnomish society the longer a surname the more important that Gnome sounds (if if they aren't). For millennia Gnomes have been adding syllables to their surnames to try to make their fellow Gnomes be more impressed with them.

Typical Gnome forenames are:

  • Cirys
  • Domeer
  • Firpinn
  • Geddin
  • Mollzi
  • Panket
  • Slenbe

Typical Gnome surnames are:

  • Blabawackanutweg
  • Fnemylmeethwinwyl
  • Glonsmowamdavem
  • Lyllamaphulmoplilan
  • Rumplestiltskinensmut

Gnomes typically tell non-Gnomes their surnames once and then just end up being called by their forename.
