Orianna Mafisto
Orianna Mafisto, younger sister to Mordakai Mafisto, is a wealthy Tiefling merchant.
When asked about her origins, Orianna Mafisto will happily volunteer that she was born in a small town near the city of Listrob in Bal-Morath. Her family were, apparently, wool merchants and she had a decent, middle-class upbringing. Orianna had a talent for languages and can speak over half a dozen fluently and so her family were keen for her to put her skills to good use. At some point, in her mid-teens, she gained employment with one of the Noble Houses of Bal-Morath, first as a maid, then as a courtier and translator.
It was through this experience that she realised that many shady deals were being made and that, with the right word here and there, she should profit significantly. And so she did and eventually had sufficient personal wealth to seek her fortune in the Empire. She made her home in Wayfarer's Rest where, with the assistance of her brother, Mordakai, she proceeded to become influential in local politics and establish her businesses throughout Thorast
Orianna is an attractive Tiefling female in her early 30s who is always impeccably dressed in fine dresses and tasteful, but obviously expensive, jewellery.
Orianna, like her brother, is a prominent member of the cult of Zariel. Her ambition to progress further in this cult is not a secret. Additionally she has numerous contacts in both Wayfarer's Rest and Broogen, many of whom are either fiercely loyal or positively terrified of her and her brother. Orianna and Mordakai employ many staff but own a single slave, a Goblin named Nurgle.
Orianna Mafisto is a character from the adventures "The Heir of Orcus, Verse I" and "The Heir of Orcus, Verse II", by Anthony Joyce. Although the Oberon versions of the "the Mafisto Twins" are somewhat different from those that originally appeared in the aforementioned modules, their names, mannerisms, appearance and most of their goals are the same. Hence I feel it only right that Anthony Joyce be acknowledged as their "creators".