
From Oberon_wiki

Many people believe that Orcs orginate from the island kingdom of "Orkarus" but in truth they are actually from the much larger (and, crucially, much closer to the Empire) land of Nallurok. "Nallurok" in Orcish literally means "the place from which Orcs come from" so it is surprising that this confusion is still widespread.

Orcs are powerfully built humanoids of slightly greater height than the average Merebian. They have a range of "earthy" skin colours ranging from 'tanned leather' to a 'dark peat'. Their lower jaw protudes in order to show their 'tusks'. Orc hair colour is nearly always black.

Orc society is based on progression either through raw physical strength or through piety to their patron god, Gruumsh. Many Orcs show their devotion to their god buy cutting out one of their own eyes and hence it is not uncommon to encounter half-blind Orcs. Most Orcs gravitate towards to the Fighter, Ranger or Barbarian classes.

Orcs can be found throughout much of the Empire, usually as part of a "raiding group" whose aim it is to collect as much wealth and to destroy as much of Imperial culture as they can before either being found or they can return to Nallurok. The Orcish word "Murnaht" translates to both "fun" and "pillage". Due to its proximity to Nallurok, the kingdom of Thorast has grown accustomed to dealing with such Orc raiders, although the town of Hammer Hold allows them to enter.

The language of Orcs is called "Orcish" by most humans although it is actually called "Uroka" by the Orcs. It is a simple but structured language. Most Orcs also know the language of Goblins and some High Merebian. A very cultured Orc may also be able to curse in Dwarven.

Perceptions of Orcs

Most humans alive in the Empire today have never met an Orc, but most have heard tales of the Orcs' ferocity in battle, their savage religion and their obscene treatment of captives. In fact, most humans' views of Orcs is the same "rape and pillage" image that was proscribed to Vikings until the middle of the last century.

Those humans (and other races) that have actually met an Orc can, at least truthfully, say that Orcs live up to their reputation very well.

As such Orcs are not welcome throughout the Empire and many places quite openly advertise a bounty for any slain.