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The Orcs of the island of Mallurok are predominantly a violent, savage race but amongst them there exists a significant minority that appear to be more human in both appearance and sensibilities. Neither fully “Orc” nor actually human (or even descended from humans) this sub-class are most often referred to as “Orcblood”.

The Orcbloods served as commanders of the forces of “the General” in the war against the Empire but many saw that they were being used and decided to defect into Imperial territory. A generation later though, and the Orcbloods still only inhabit the fringes of Imperial society.

Orcbloods are of approximately human build but heavier set and have prominent canine teeth and a distinctly “porcine” appearance. Orcbloods share the Orcs violent temper although their intellect enables them better able to control it. In common with their orc brethren, Orcbloods worship the deity Gruumsh but don’t necessarily hold the same burning hatred for humans that this deity teaches.

The native language of the Orcbloods is “Orcish” although most try to learn one of the human languages which they view as "more intellectual".