Hammer Hold
The Dwarven run "free town" of Hammer Hold is located at the borders of the Welcome Hills and the southernmost edge of the Hammer Peaks (the mountain range which runs down the centre of Thorast).
As of the last census the town had a recorded population of just over 2,700 which about half that of Wayfarer's Rest but only around two-thirds of that number are permanent residents of the town itself. The other half live in nearby settlements scattered around the surrounding hills but close by (within a couple of kilometres). The town is predominantly made up of Dwarves (70%), Humans (10%), Orcs (10%) and a small number of the other major races.
Inns and Taverns
For a town of its size, Hammer Hold has surprisingly few inns or taverns. This is because the town is not somewhere that travellers randomly come to, for obvious reasons. In total the town has just 2 inns (although both are of a fair size) and 5 taverns.
- The Foundation Stone - although typically thought of as an "adventurer's bar" there is also regular entertainment here.
- The Black Cat
Notable Places
Notable People
- Pauldrak Redblade - Master of Arms
- Ferris Rhodal - Innkeeper
- Norrick Steelmantle - Innkeeper
The design of the town of "Hammer Hold" is taken directly from the "Hammerfast" 4th Edition D&D supplement by Mike Mearls and hence the maps of the town are © WotC 2010. Hammer Hold's history, buildings, guilds and NPCs do deviate significantly from that "Adventure Site" (as it is called). Knowing the contents of the "Hammerfast" supplement will give players no readily usable information about "Hammer Hold".