The Enchespalus

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The Enchespalus (pronounced 'En-ses-PAHL-us) is an order of Ares-worshipping Paladins dedicated to fighting Fiends and can be found in small numbers right across the Merebian Empire.

This group might seem to be an odd addition to those who typically invoke Ares name in the undertaking of their duties (such as the Oxys of Ares). One might reasonable expect that Athena would be the deity most involved in the fight against Fiends (and she definitely is), but the Enchespalus seek to drive back the hordes of the Abyss and the Nine Hells by matching them for savagery.

Whereas the Paladins of Athena are planners and methodically act to defeat all Fiends with as little 'collateral' damage as possible, the Enchespalus deal with with specific threats and eliminate those one-by-one. The Enchespalus are nearly all 'Neutral' as opposed to 'Good' or 'Evil' due to their focused dedication to a singular task - they rarely consider the 'bigger picture' as Paladins of Athena would. The Enchespalus are usually more 'Chaotic' than 'Lawful' although some members have a strict personal code that they won't violate in the pursuit of their target.

The Enchespalus are typically spear-wielders (the Greek word 'Enkhespalos' literally meaning 'spear-brandishing') but will use any polearm that gets the job done. They eschew the use of shields except where absolutely necessary (eg against archers).


New recruits to the Enchespalus are expected to spend a number of years in training. This is primarily religious training as would be expected of any acoloyte of the Twelve but is supplemented with extensive martial training with a wide variety of weapons, armour training up to and including plate armour, horse riding, and some minor spellcraft.

Once recruits, who are typically called "hunters", are ready they are assigned (randomly) a specific type of fiend to hunt down and kill. Upon completion of this task - which can sometimes take years to complete - and the "hunter" has returned with the requisite proof - they are ceremonially inducted into the full membership of the Enchespalus and are hence entitled to the full benefits that such membership brings.


Members form a loose hierarchy where members are arranged into "tiers" based primarily on the number of confirmed "kills" (destructions) of fiends. Onviously some fiends are far more of a challenge than others and so the destruction of a small number of powerful fiends is a more worthy task than, say, killing a dozen imps.


Benefits of Membership