The Dwarf Road
'The Dwarf Road' is the name frequently given to the nearly continuous road that runs through several regions of SW Thorast. The road itself is wide enough to accommodate two carriages passing each other and is built to typical Imperial Army specification. It is said to have been built to replace a track that the Dwarves of Overlook used to take to reach the west coast of Thorast.
The current road is about 160 years old and needs fairly regular maintenance and repair by the Army. As of 343IC several sections have been completely rebuilt from scratch. The eventual aim is to make the road as straight as possible given the landscape and there are, apparently, plans to bypass several of the town and villages currently served by the road in order to achieve this.
The Dwarf Road officially starts at the town of Brindol in the west and ends at the city of Broogen in the east. A small, single carriage width addition extends the road out to the coast at Lilo. The regions and towns the road passes through are as follows:
Kleinius Vale
The section of the Dwarf Road that exists in the Kleinius Vale quite old and so is nowhere near straight. It passes through a number of small villages between Brindol and Wayfarer's Rest before heading NE into the Welcome Hills.