The Welcome Hills
A region of Thorast to the north-est of the Kleinius Vale and south of the Hammer Peaks. It is protected by Fort Viridian.
As its name suggests, the region is notable for its foothills, some of which are of considerable size. Luckily the network of roads, maintained by the Imperial Army, means that traversing this region is not overly difficult, even if many roads fail to conform to the ideal of "shortest route" between many of its towns.
The region is plagued by bands of orc and human raiders who take advantage of the terrain and gaps in army coverage to prey upon merchants and unwary adventurers.
The Welcome Hills is notable for its large lake (Lake Viridian) around which are a number of settlements, including Fort Viridian.
The whole of the Welcome Hills has a population estimated to be around 40,000 people (of various races), about half of which live in towns and villages along the Dwarf Road, the main road built by the Imperial Army and which runs into the region from the Kleinius Vale.
The population, as of the last census of most of the major settlements in this region are as follows:
Another 15,000 live in towns and villages not currently shown on the map. A further 20,000 live in isolated farms and individual dwellings across the region.