Wayfarer's Rest

From Oberon_wiki


Located at the north-eastern edge of the Kleinius Vale, about 55km inland from the west coast of Thorast.

File:Wayfarers Rest.png
Wayfarer's Rest


Wayfarer's Rest is a moderate-sized walled town which is home to approx. 5000 humanoids. The population is predominately Humans (45%) and Dwarves (40%) with a fair number of Gnomes (10%) and Tieflings (5%) also in evidence. There are surprisingly few Elves in town.


The town is just 8km north of Shadowfell Keep, and so is well used to supplying the fort's needs, both in terms of the legal and the dubious. As such the town has a disproportionate number of taverns and inns for a town of its size to accommodate off-duty soldiers, as well as a good selection of brothels, armourers, weapon-smiths and various places to gamble away what little pay they have. For the intellectuals there is also a small library and even an outpost of The Cerulean Chancery.


Wayfarer's Rest primary defence is its stone wall which surrounds the bulk of the town. There are three sets of town gates and each is flanked by a pair of watch towers. A further fourteen watch points ("blisters" from which arrows can be fired/beacon fires can be lit) are dotted around the perimeter.

The town has its own town watch, consisting of 150 full-time guards. The guard barracks are located in the south side of town.

However the town's best defences against attacks are it's elevation (affording a generous view of the surrounding land out to several kilometres) and it's proximity to Shadowfell Keep, an Imperial Army fort. Being located less an hour's horse ride away from three cohorts of the 62nd Legion is a strong deterrent to bandits.

Inns and Taverns



Notable Places

There are many places that an off-duty soldier or a travelling adventurer can spend time (and money) in town. Some of these are:

  • The Town Gates

Entry to town costs 2 unari/person. This funds the upkeep of the walls and pays for the Town Watch

  • Temple of the Twelve

There are no individual temples to the Empire's Gods in town but there is a large non-denominational temple where followers of the Twelve can pray.

The Wayfarer's Rest Chancery outpost is located at Eric's Smithery's in the south of town

  • The House of Cain

The large townhouse of Darius Cain. Darius will conduct research for people at the (very fair) cost of 1 Centari/day.

  • Bathhouse

A mixed-sex bathhouse is located near the centre of town

  • Kosmo's Armoury

For basic armour and weapons, Kosmo's is probably the best stocked outlet

  • Sandahl's Wares

Sandahl sells all sort of basic adventuring equipment but specialises in basic carpentry for the locals

  • Barracks

The Town Watch is based in the barracks in the south side of town. At any one time at least one-third of the full contingent of 150 men are resident here.

Notable People


The keen reader will note that a place called "Wayfarer's Rest" appears in the Game of Thrones book series. The "Wayfarer's Rest" presented here is not based on G.R.R. Martin's version; it merely has the same name. Having not read Martin's book series I honestly can't say where the town name came from but I devised this town in late 2009 which was 2 years before the hit TV series. I assume that I stole it from a published D&D adventure somewhere and once I find it I will credit it.

The map for this town was randomly generated using the tools at https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator.