Early History
From Oberon_wiki
The early history of Oberon is exceptionally difficult to piece together with any degree of accuracy. Most of it comes from records of earlier oral history of non-Human races, who had only vague systems of recording times. Imperial historians have done their best to assemble these fragments into some sort of order but much of the following is more educated guesswork than hard fact.
Dates are given as BE (Before Empire) where appropriate.
50,000 to 41,000 years BE
- 45,000 BE - The Dwarven gods visit the lands of Oberon looking for a home for their people. Seeing the majestic mountain ranges of Thorast, rich with mineral, they decide to settle there. Their people become the first known clans of Dwarves on Oberon.
40,000 to 31,000 years BE
- 38,000 BE - The barriers between Oberon and the Fae-realms are torn and thousands of Elves and Gnomes use the breach to cross over to Oberon and to escape the tyrannical rule of the Eladrin. They settle in the the lands where the barrier between realities are weakest - Dominus, Erganth and Lyrazante.
- 32,000 BE - the first recorded meeting of Elves and Dwarves. Despite some early reservations both people soon realise that they are not in competition for any natural resources and soon strike up a cordial relationship which exists even today.
30,000 to 21,000 years BE
20,000 to 11,000 years BE
10,000 to 1,000 years BE
1,000 to 500 years BE
500 to 100 years BE
- 400 BE - last recorded sighting of Dragons in Oberon.