Boris Da Ax
If one believes the legend, Boris Da Ax was born around the year 240 IC to a Human father and an Ogre mother somewhere in Minosha. This is highly unlikely to be true but there is plenty of evidence to support that he was raised in an Ogre village by an Ogre female as if he were an Ogre. So, for all intents and purposes one may as well refer to him as the only confirmed 'Half-Ogre'.
Boris was never the sharpest tool in the box and it wasn't until late in life that he learnt to read or count higher than four. Not that either of these skills were ever particularly necessary, mind. For Boris had a skill that academic excellence just doesn't bestow - he could rip people's arm's off and beat them to death with them.
Boris is the only documented worshipper of a being known only He Who Must Be Obeyed.
Boris had a short but reasonably successful career as an adventurer in the early 260s IC and was able to earn/steal enough wealth to not have to work for long periods of time. However he is most remembered for his work at The Porvalitar-Sciondorian School of Magicks where he often lectured to students about the joys of being an uneducated barbarian warrior. Many students who went on to successful careers as officials, lawyers, accountants and even wizards owe their academic excellence to Boris' lectures and the ability they had to inspire students to study much, MUCH harder.
Boris is known to have sired a son by a human woman called Tinya. His son eventually took up the mantle of 'Boris Da Ax' in 284 IC. Boris' great-grandson is also currently adventuring as 'Boris Da Ax'. The original 'Boris Da Ax' vanished in 272 IC, never to be seen again.
Note that, despite the name, none of the warriors who bear the name 'Boris Da Ax' actually carry an axe. All of them use Greatswords.