A Touchstone is a large (2m tall) piece of crystal or rock that is "linked" to a similar artefact at a remote location.
When activated by a member of the Djinn, up to seven humanoids that are simultaneously touching the item are (almost) instantly transported to the other linked crystal or rock. Such travel is one-way and so these "touchstones" are often called either "dispatchers" or "receivers" based on their function.
The Touchstone network in the Empire is a relatively new innovation, established after the Magi of Gebbezra set up a mutal defence and trade treaty with the Empire in 1206IC. At present there is one "dispatcher" and one "receiver" touchstone at each of these locations:
- Anstruth (Academia)
- Almanae (Erganth)
- Cauldron (Forgelands)
- Isirpa (Chundria)
- Laiscol (Lichenburg)
- Specularum (Karameizante)
- Toratium (Thorast)
- Tul-Verbost (Byzantrium)
- Zakharr (Gebbezra)
All of these link to dispatcher/receiver touchstones in Cinnibar, the Imperial capitol in Dominus.
Access to these touchstones is given to the public, and although the high cost of travel (usually about a centari) places this outside of the means of most people, it is now a vital asset to merchants and adventurers.