To the north of Dominus lies the kingdom of Erganth. Erganth is a fertile, temperate land in the south but the north is colder and more mountainous. The major feature of Erganth is the ever changing weather. In fact, most Erganthans (as the people are known) are thought to only have one topic of conversation: the weather.
Despite this, Erganth is a naturally mystical land where the boundary between Oberon and the Fae-realms (known as "the Green Veil") is the weakest. Many of its people find that they have a natural affinity for arcane magic, probably are an effect of this. Erganth is also the kingdom with the largest number of resident Pixies, which may explain why so many Erganthans are eager to visit other lands.
The main city in Erganth is Almanae and is dominated by the castle built there by the late King Tristan.
The Erganthan people are of fair skin and commonly have fair or red hair.